Corrie ten Boom

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 10

To receive God’s guidance you need to make a clean break from all other forms of guidance. Do not look at the stars, at the palm of your hand, or listen to a fortune-teller. These things are an abomination in God’s sight.

God knows the future
God plans the future
God has told us the future in His Word

“You shall be blameless before the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 18:13)

Lord Jesus, forgive me for looking in the wrong direction. Teach me Your way.

November 9

“Peace on earth.” That statement by the angels will find its perfection when Jesus comes to make all things new. The whole world will be covered with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the bottom of the sea.

In those days the world will be ruled from Jerusalem. The Lord will settle international disputes; all the nations will convert their weapons into implements of peace. (Isaiah 2:3,4 LB)

Lord, thank You that You are preparing the world for that great future. Please prepare me, too.

 Living Bible (LB)—Copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. All rights reserved.

November 8

It is possible for you and me to be ready for Jesus’ coming. The surrendered self is dynamic since it is the branch that is connected with the vine.

I am the vine, you are the branches. (John 15:5)

Our hope is in the Living Vine through which Your love flows freely, Father.

November 7

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now.” (Romans 8:22)

The restless millions wait
the coming of the Lord to make all things new
Christ also waits
but men are slow and few
Have we done all we could
Have I, Have you—S.D. Gordon

Thank You, Lord, that we know from the Bible that the crisis we experience in this time is the suffering You told about when You said that we must look up because our liberation is approaching (see Luke 21).

November 6

Do you know that we are living in the last days and that they are the first days of a beautiful future? What are you doing to win souls? What are you doing to make people ready for Jesus’ coming again? To bring the Gospel over the whole world is a fundamental part of the life of a Christian.

Occupy till I come. (Luke 19:13)

Show me my program for today, Lord. Give me the guidance and power to make it important in Your eyes.

November 5

Synchronize your watch with heaven’s clock. You can do this by reading the Bible together with the newspaper. Then you will know that we live in the time when we can expect Jesus’ coming again to earth very soon.

Listen closely to what the Lord is willing to tell you. The Holy Spirit can make your prayer and conversation with Himself a joyful speaking and listening.

Read important books which will strengthen your faith.

I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)

Lord Jesus, You are looking forward to the great day of Your coming. I am looking forward, too. Make me ready, Lord. I surrender with joy.

November 4

When Holland surrendered to Germany, Father and I walked in the street. We felt a great oneness with everybody around us. We were all together in the great suffering, humiliation, and defeat of our nation. Everybody talked with everybody else. I have never before or since experienced such oneness in the nation. It was a great blessing.

We will be that way in the millennium, but the oneness will not be in misery but in out communication with the Lord.

Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. (Revelation 21:3—KJV)

Lord Jesus, when we experience great closeness with our fellow men, that warmth and communication is only a foretaste of what we have waiting in store for us. What a blessing to anticipate. Hallelujah!

Monday, October 31, 2011

November 3

Difficulties exist in order to be overcome! Because Jesus made us yokefellows with Him, we are able to be overcomers.

"My times are in Thy hand
Jesus the crucified!
The hand our many sins has pierced
is now my guard and guide
My times are in Thy hand
I'll always trust in Thee
Until I've left the weary land
and all Thy glory see" — William F. Lloyd

"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God. . . ." Revelation 3:12 KJV

Lord Jesus, thank You that through Your strength we can be overcomers. We will trust our path to You, Lord, sure of Your guidance and support every step of the way.

November 2

Jesus was obedient to the Father. Read His story. When He was twelve years old He obeyed His earthly parents, at the same time knowing that He had to be busy with the things of His heavenly Father. When John the Baptist tried to stop Him from being baptized, He said He wanted to have baptism as a sign of obedience. How glorious it was when the Holy Spirit came down on Him and the Father spoke from heaven: "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased" Matthew 3:17 RSV

"To obey is better than sacrifice . . . ." 1 Samuel 15:22 RSV

Holy Spirit, let me know whether there is any disobedience in my life. I want to do what You want.

RSV - The Revised Standard Version of the Bible Copyright © 1946, 1952, 1971 and 1973

November 1

I was at the end of my first week in America and practically at the end of my money. The clerk at the YWCA had told me I could not stay there another week. Where should she forward my mail?

"I don't know yet. God has a room for me but He has not told me where yet."

I could see by the look on her face that she was concerned about me. Then she handed me a piece of mail which she had overlooked. The letter was from a woman who heard me speak in New York. She was offering me the use of her son's room.

I gave the amazed clerk my new address after thanking God for His care.

"But my God shall supply all your need . . . ." Philippians 4:19 RSV

"Thank You, Lord, that we may know that our need is never greater than the Helper.

RSV - The Revised Standard Version of the Bible Copyright © 1946, 1952, 1971 and 1973