Corrie ten Boom

Thursday, May 31, 2012

June 7

The Bible is indestructible. Voltaire expected that within fifty years of his lifetime there would not be one Bible in the world. His house is now a distribution center for Bibles in many languages.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
Mark 13:31   

Such a treasure will never fade or dim. It will be available for our children’s children. We thank You for this precious legacy, Father.

June 6

A rich businessman told me that he had surrendered to the Lord. I asked him, “Did you surrender one hundred percent?”

“No, only ninety-five percent. I have to abide by other men’s decisions in my work,” he replied.

“Have you ever looked death in the eye?”

“Yes. During the war.”

“Did you surrender one hundred percent then?”


“But you are standing just as much in the face of death now. It can come at any moment. Every human being knows that he must die some time and it could be today. Surrender one hundred percent!”

What a safety in life and death, to belong to Jesus Christ, lock, stock, and barrel!

When our Captain bids us “Go”
it is not ours to murmur “No”
He that gives the sword and shield
chooses too the battlefield
on which we are to fight the foe
Active Life by William Calvert, 1861

I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: and I will sing praises unto thee among the nations.
Psalms 108:3 KJV

Lord Jesus Christ, Your wishes above ours, Your commands above the world’s, Your glory above all glories, now and forever.

June 5

Oswald Smith told the following illustration about surrender. He took four books in his hand, then laid them down on the altar, one by one.

“This is my money. This is my time. This is my house. This is my family. They are all—the Lord’s. “But I have reserved a room for my vacation—that money I will keep for myself.” He took back the first book.

“Yes, I gave my time, but that time for my vacation is mine.” He took back the second book. “My house is the Lord’s. But my sister is ill and she has six naughty boys. I cannot invite them to my new house. They will make it dirty!” He took back the third book.

“My family is the Lord’s. My daughter wanted to become a missionary. That is not possible. She must help her mother.” He took back the fourth book.

After I heard that story, I saw that in my life I had taken back that which I had first surrendered. I dedicated my life anew to the Lord. We must do that time and time again.

(I experienced that surely the Lord gives vacations, but when we take them from His hand, and not as our right, they become a blessing to those we travel with and meet on vacation.)

You are not your own, you were bought with a price.
1 Corinthians 6: 19-20

Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.

June 4

William Nagenda, the African evangelist, was met at the station by his little three-year-old son. The boy said, “Daddy, I will carry your suitcase.”

William did not want to disappoint him, so he said, “You lay your hand on my hand,” and they carried the suitcase home together. When they reached home, the little boy told his mother, “I carried Daddy’s suitcase!”

When we have heavy things to bear, and we overcome by laying our weak hands on the strong hand of the Lord, it is foolish to say, “I have carried the load.” We must give the Lord all the honor He is due. 

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
John 15:4

Lord, when You give us a load to bear, You give us the strength to carry it. Forgive us if we childishly assume that we have done the work ourselves.

June 3

A woodpecker tapped with his beak against the stem of a tree just as lightning struck the tree and destroyed it. He flew away and said, “I didn’t know there was so much power in my beak!”

When we bring the Gospel there is a danger that we will think or say, “I have done a good job.” Don’t be a silly woodpecker. Know where you strength comes from. It is only the Holy Spirit who can make a message good and fruitful.

It is not try, but trust. It is not do, but done. Our God has planned for us, great victory through His Son.

Who can utter the mighty doings of the Lord . . . ?
Psalms 106:2

Holy Spirit, make us jealous for God’s honor.

June 2

Conditions are always changing, therefore I must not be dependent upon conditions. What matters supremely is my soul and my relationship to God. God is concerned about me, as my Father. The very hairs of my head are all numbered. Whatever God wills and permits is of necessity for my good.

Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.
Jeremiah 18:6
Father, we sometimes argue against Your will, hoping to avoid hardship in our lives, even though it will be for our eventual good. Teach us acceptance.

June 1

A missionary wrote me: “Sometimes adversity tempts me to discouragement in the face of seeming failure. But I take courage and press on anew, as I remember that God does not hold me responsible for success, but for faithfulness.” Jesus said, “Well done, you faithful servant,” not “Well done, you successful servant.”

If any one serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there shall my servant be also; if any one serves me, the Father will honor him.
John 12:26

Father, teach us to yield. What  You do not have at Your disposal You cannot sanctify, just as the potter cannot form the clay if it is not totally in his hands.